Charlton is a small rural town along the CSX tracks today. This was once a busy place during WM days. Charlton had a two track main line and two tracks that once served a grain service here which although closed, can still be seen today. Charlton was once the site of a branch line. This branch line was known at the Williamsport Nessle and Martinsburg Railway and was completed on June 7, 1915. The line left here and curved away toward the Potomac River where it crossed on a bridge to reach a quarry in West Virginia. The line was surveyed in to Martinsburg and on to Charles Town W. Va. where it would have crossed the mountains and wound up in Potomac Yard. The quarry closed in the early 1930's and the bridge was washed away in 1936. For a time, the WM still had hopes of keeping this vision and kept 1 man employed to walk and hammer at the right of way to keep the charter alive! Later on June 25, 1937 the Williamsport, Nessle, and Martinsburg RY was abandoned. Notice the old railroad grade as it leaves Charlton and winds down to the river.
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