Cumberland Valley Rail Road

Connection with the Western Maryland Railway

The PRR Shippensburg Freight Station I believe was on the south side of town along the CVRR near the Reading Railroad connection at Pennroad, unsure.

Penn Central units switching the freight station at Shippensburg, PA. (Bob Bufkin photos)

Earl Street, Street Running
Cumberland Valley Railroad's Shippensburg Station.

The Bear Hotel on Earl Street, Shippensburg, Pa. The single CVRR track is visible in the street in this photo.

A Penn Central autorack train comes down Earl Street at the 6mph speed restriction in Shippensburg. (August 1973, Bob Bufkin photo)

Normal School Station
Looking north up the CVRR tracks curving away from Shippensburg tpwards the Shippensburg Normal School on the far left. The CVRR had a stop at the school pictured below.

This CVRR photo was used to make a photo postcard, drawing, and a colored drawing, seen below.

The CVRR stop in Shippensburg for the Normal School.

Two CVRR passenger trains at the Normal School Stop in Shippensburg in 1899 and 1902. Notice the power station and smoke stack under construction and then completed in 1902.

Go North
Go South