Sudbrook/B9.9 Sudbrook/B9.9

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A very old photograph taken before the tracks were lowered at the Sudbrook station. (The Baltimore County Public Library Collection)

This photo of the Sudbrook Station was taken after the tracks were lowered and stairs added. (The Baltimore County Public Library Collection)

This shelter at Sudbrook was used after the station was demolished. (The Baltimore County Public Library Collection)

A group of children, sitting on a bank with their teacher, are seen overlooking the Sudbrook station of the Western Maryland Railway. A locomotive is arriving. (The Baltimore County Public Library Collection/Photo by Stewart Rhine, c. 1900.)

Looking eastward from the Sudbrook station towards the bridge connecting the train station to the 19th century Sudbrook Park development. A one horse trap is seen crossing the bridge in this screened postcard. (The Baltimore County Public Library Collection)

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