Cheifton/C0.0 (miles from Chiefton.)

Cheifton was located at the beginning of the Fairmont Helens Run Subdivision. The subdivision ran from Cheifton to Ida May, a distance of 4.5 miles with a half mile secondary track to Carolina known as the Helens Run Secondary Track. Cheifton had a engine house and a rather big yard that held 375 cars.

Looking at what was left of WM's sanding tower and engine house at Cheifton in 1984. (Warren Hart photo)

Two closer views of the WM engine house at Cheifton. (1984, Warren Hart photo)

View looking back towards the engine house from the yard tracks. (1984, Warren Hart photo)

The WM yard at Chiefton in 1984. The tie plates were early WM which had "WM" on them. (Warren Hart photo)

Go West
Go over B&O to Hutchinson