New Franklin/H18.0
New Franklin/H18.0
WM tracks looking south near the H18.1 milepost. The track on the left is the westbound track and eastbound is on the right. (October 1999/December 2004)
Looking west at the westbound signal at New Franklin. It's December 4, 2004 and this track is no longer used and the siganl is dark.
CSX has removed the old signal and power poles and installed a switch and crossover. (December 14, 2011)
The WM tracks at the Guilford Street crossing in New Franklin. (October 1999/December 2004)
January 26, 2019 an Q016 has slowed from track speed to negotiate the crossover that leads to the inter modal facility at Marathon.
Looking west and east at WM signal H18.2. (December 4, 2004)
The CSX local passes the signal at New Franklin, PA.
Go East
Go West