Paw Paw Hot Box Detector/B141.4

Paw Paw Hot Box Detector/B141.4

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The WM right-of-way at the east side of the bridge over the C&O Canal to the west end of the bridge over the Potomac River is now part of a cow field. The only plus of this is that the cows have keep the weeds and trees from taking over, but in turn the cows have trampled paths all over the right-of-way. Another downside is that the right-of-way is fenced off. It however is owned by the C&O Canal and should not be used as it is by the local farmer. If a trail was built a cow crossing would need be be aranged with the land owner. This location was once the site of WM's second hotbox detector, along with automatic block signals 141.1 and 141.5.

Looking out southward from the WM where a house once stood looking towards a barn and Paw Paw. (August 2016)

Lots of bigger trees at the Canal crossing off in the distance and no more cows grazing has let the grass grow tall here as I try to lead 2 of my kids east on the WM. (August 2016)

This crosstie with the rubber hoses attached was once part of the WM dragging equipment detector here near Paw Paw. The hoses contained sensors that could detect dragging equipment. This is also the location of WM signals 141.4 and 141.5. (April 2003)

This was the base for signal 141.5. Then a second photo of both signal bases. (April 2003)

The hotbox detector today is in the middle of a cow field. In the forground you can spot the legs that once held the hotbox and dragging equipment.

This is the eastern most crosstie that held the sensors for the dragging equipment detection system. I am still looking for a old photo of the hot box and dragging equipment detectors installed and working. (April 2003)

WM F7 236 leads a train east passed the semaphores at the location of what would become WM's 2nd and westernmost hot box detector on the West Sub. The other hot box detector would be at Parkhead. (W.R Hicks photo/WMRHS Collection)

Same photo as tbe Keifer Station on the "Keifer" page, but this sane building would be moved here sometime in 1933-1934. It was placed on the northside of the tracks between the signals and the 6th Potomac Bridge. A photo of the station can be seen in the WM Challenger photo on the 6th Crossing" page. (Thanks to Jim Coshun for photo)

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