Parsons was a WM Train-Order Office with a 29 car yard and a 115 car siding. There was also a wye here just off a switch from the station.
West from the Black water River Bridge the WM rounds this curve into downtown Parsons. This photo is looking at the now disconnected track that was the lead to the Gould Tannery. The tanery can be seen on the topo map at the top of the pages alond with this track. (Warren Hart photo)
A WM passenger special led by freshly painted GP9's 38, 39, and 35 are westbound crossing the second thru-truss bridge at Parsons on October 8, 1972. (photo by unknown photographer) I photogrpahed the same bridge from the east side in August 1993.
Here is the newly re-decked WM through-truss bridge in Parsons. At the western side of the bridge the right-of-way was up on a embankment but has since been bulldozed away to make room for a parking lot. The second photo is looking east from on the bridge ad clearly shows the house that was built on the right-of-way. (1.15.2012)
Looking west from the switch to the Parsons Wye. The wye had a safety rail as you can see on the left rail. By looks of this shot and the next, I'd say the switch to the wye had been removed. I came to this conclusion due to extra rail laying in the middle of the wye, missing tie plates and spikes on right rails, and finally the switch stand removed from the ties and knocked over. (photos by Warren Hart)
WM's Parson Station in 1917. (thanks to Mike Yetter and Warren Hart for photo)
The WM Station is quite busy in this 1905 photo. Much later after the rails were removed the station is in need of some attention in this August 1993 photo.
Looking east from WM's Parsons Station. (August 1993)
WM RS units pick up orders from the operator at the Parson Station in the early 1970's (thanks to Warren Hart for photo)
Parsons Station is in sue in these photos. A WM shed was moved from perhaps the small yard at Parsons to across from the station. The second photo is looking west and clearly shows the grocery store that was built on the roadbed. (1.15.2012)
First photo looking west from behind the grocery store that was but on the right-of-way west of the station. Second photo is also looking west out of town towards Kingsford from the parking lot of the grocery store at Parsons. (1.15.2012)