West End of Thomas/C76.9
West End of Thomas/C76.9

First topo map is a split map of 1926(left) and 1921(right) joined at the center of Thomas at the horizontal line. Second topo map is from 2012 and still shows the railroad.

A WM Train-Order Office and Station was at the West End of Thomas. A branch to the mines known as the Francis Branch left here at a switch just before the station.

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WM's Thomas Car Repair Shed and Roundhouse photographed in 1917. (thanks to Mike Yetter and Warren Hart for photo)

First photo is the Thomas Engine house in the 1930's. Both of the Thomas Engines houses are pictured in the second photo taken in this early 1950's photograph. (thanks to Mike Yetter and Warren Hart for photo)

Looking at the Thomas Station in 1903. This view which was taken from the top of the coal tipple shows the hillside and all the company housing. (thanks to Mike Yetter and Warren Hart for photo)

Looking up at the WM girder trestle and Thomas Station from the Blackwater River in 1917 then again in 2010. (thanks to Mike Yetter and Warren Hart for the 1917 photo)

WM RS3 194 takes a passenger train east from the Thomas Station. (unknown photographer)

Three views of the thomas Station first in between 1935-1940, then two prior photos in 1917. (thanks to Mike Yetter and Warren Hart for the photos)

Two photos both looking east from the former site of WM's Thomas Station. The first photo was taken in 1979 or early 1980's and shows the WM track layout and signal at the west end of the Thomas Yard. The switch in the foreground is for the Francis Branch. On December 29, 2010 the Thomas sewage treatment plant is pictured sitting at the same location and on the mainline. However tracks could pass to the right of the plant to head up the Francis Branch to Davis. (1979/80 photo by Warren Hart)

Two views both at the same location looking down the Davis/Francis branch towards the Thomas Station in 1917 and again on 12.29.2010. (thanks to Mike Yetter and Warren Hart for the 1917 photo)

Three photos (the second taken by Warren Hart in 1979 or the early 1980's and third by myself on December 29, 2010) were taken from the western side of the WM bridge looking east from the same location.

Two photos looking east and then west at the former site of WM's Thomas Station. (1979, Don Biggs photos)

Both photos looking west down the grade, the first take from the former site of WM's Thomas Station. (12.29.2010)

Go up the Francis Branch
Go West
Go East