Winchester & Western Rail Road
Indian Hollow
Indian Hollow
Looking east down the tracks in the field. Notice the logs and debris out on the rails/tracks. A very heavy rain had just fallen overnight and had washed out ballast from several places along the tracks. Next we are looking at a barn and cattle guard at the crossing for Indian Hollow Road. (May 16, 2014)
W&W 572 again with a short train coming through the s-curve about to cross a cattle guard and Indian Hollow Road. (1-25-14)
Around the curve from the Indian Hollow Road crossing the tracks are fenced off looking east. Turning west, the tracks again go into farmland at another cattle guard. (May 16, 2014)
No.403 round the bend and through some farmland along Indian Hollow Road. In the second photo the train notched up the throttle for the climb up to run along Rt.600 to Gainesboro. (1-2-14)
Go West
Go East